The art of nervous system regulation for a highly sensitive person.

Let's talk about the gentle art of nurturing your delicate nervous system as a highly sensitive person in this often overwhelming world… and learn how microdosing calm can transform your life, one breath at a time.

Table of Contents

    The pressure to "Go Big" (and why it's not for us)

    I get it. We live in a world that's always shouting "More! Faster! Bigger!" When it comes to personal transformation, everyone's chasing after that one grand, life-changing revelation that will change everything, forever.

    Those big moments can be amazing… but for a highly sensitive person? That much intensity can leave us feeling more stress than relief.

    I've spent years supporting people like you: highly sensitive, often neurodivergent and prone to anxiety. And if there's one thing I've learned about high sensitivity, it's this: when it comes to healing and growth, gentleness is your magic wand.

    After almost bankrupting myself seeking bigger and bigger spiritual breakthroughs, I was forced to slow down and pay attention to the thing I’d been avoiding most… the sensations inside my body.

    Some part of me felt certain those feelings would be overwhelming if I actually acknowledged them. But I discovered that I’d been ignoring a whole castle crammed full of doorways to potential expansion.

    You don't need to push yourself to the brink to heal and grow. In fact, for many of us, gentle and quiet approaches are where the real magic happens.

    Less is More: the art of “microdosing regulation”

    I want to introduce you to something that might change your life – my teacher Benjamyn Fergussen calls it "microdosing nervous system regulation."

    Cute plant medicine reference aside, it's really about embracing the power of dipping your toe into intense emotions and sensations… and then resisting the temptation to dive deeper. Instead, you climb straight out to let your nervous system rest and integrate.

    Imagine this: Something gets activated. Instead of forcing yourself to sit down and do an hour-long “process”, you pause and notice what sensations are happening in your body. You place your attention inside the strongest sensation and give it an intensity rating. Then you breathe for a minute or two and check in. Often, you’ll notice that the sensations have already started to change.

    These tiny moments of paying attention? They're a different approach to sensory processing. And they're like love notes to your nervous system. They're saying, "Hey there, I see you. I've got you. We're safe."

    Why this works wonders for a highly sensitive person

    Working this way is:

    • low on sensory overload: No overwhelm! Just little pockets of calm that respect your unique heightened sensitivity.

    • like training wheels for your dysregulated nervous system: You’re gently teaching your body that regulation is safe and possible.

    • compatible with real life: Because let's face it, you don't always have time to spend half your day processing.

    • low pressure: No more feeling stress about not doing "enough." These tiny steps ARE enough.

    • all about you: You get to choose what feels good and right for YOUR body, mind and nervous system.

    Get practical: your microdosing toolkit

    Ready to give this a try? Here are a handful of my favourite micro-practices:

    1. The 3-Breath Reset: Anytime you transition between activities, notice how you’re breathing. And however your breath is, take 3 breaths before jumping to the next thing on your list.

    2. Move Some Energy: Give yourself permission to move energy in a way that feels soothing – maybe it's simply standing in your kitchen, while you breathe and make slow circles with your hips.

    3. 20-Second Grounding Meditation: Imagine roots growing from your feet, anchoring you into the heart of the Earth.

    4. The Stretch and Smile: Do a quick, gentle stretch and offer a kind smile to your sympathetic nervous system. Yes, it’ll feel silly - but your nervous system will love it.

    5. Sensory Sensitivity: Take a moment to fully enjoy and appreciate a pleasing external stimulus - a texture, smell, or sound - in your environment.

    Making it happen (without stressing yourself out)

    If you’re used to making heroic efforts in the name of healing, there’s an alternative approach.

    • Start with one tiny step: Seriously, one little practice a day is perfect to begin with.

    • Make it easy: Set gentle reminders or tie your practice to something you already do regularly.

    • Get curious: Try different things and notice what feels good to you. There's no one-size-fits-all.

    • Celebrate every win: Did you notice anxiety and remember to take one mindful breath today? Awesome! You're giving your parasympathetic nervous system a workout, one micro-moment at a time.

    • Be patient and kind with yourself: This is a journey, not a race. Your nervous system will thank you.

    A note for Therapy Nerds (because knowledge protects)

    Research in neuroscience and trauma-informed care supports the effectiveness of brief, repeated experiences of nervous system dysregulation followed immediately by a return to safety and nervous system regulation. Neuroplasticity – our brain's ability to form new neural connections throughout life  – is what helps to rewire the nervous system over time.

    For highly sensitive and neurodivergent individuals (whose nervous systems are often more reactive) this gentle approach allows for positive change without triggering the stress hormones and anxiety that can come with more intense interventions.

    You're not broken, you're blazing a new trail

    I know it can sometimes feel like your sensitivity is a curse, not a blessing. But I want you to know this: You are not broken.

    Your sensitivity is a gift. It allows you to experience the world in rich, beautiful ways that are not easily available to others.

    By embracing these gentle practices, you're not trying to "fix" yourself. You're simply learning to work with your unique nervous system in a way that feels supportive and nurturing.

    Making sense of your sensory experiences by slowing down and taking time to notice the tiny details can make a huge difference. Remember, lovely: in a world that often celebrates intensity and pushes for rapid transformation, your quiet strength and sensitivity are revolutionary.

    By choosing gentleness and honoring your needs with these micro-moments of care, you're not just healing yourself – you're showing the world a different way to heal, handle anxiety and thrive with high sensitivity.

    So take that deep breath. Wiggle your toes. Feel the ground beneath you. You've got this and the Earth has got you.

    Here's to the power of tiny moves and the beautiful, sensitive souls brave enough to make them.

    If you’d like to explore nervous system rewiring in more depth, check out The Lighthouse or learn more about private mentoring.

    big love

    Belinda Noakes ❤️‍🔥

    Mentor, Energy Alchemist, Lighthouse Keeper for TinyBrave

    View my bio


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