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Your dream potential clients need your sensitive superpowers, right now.

1:1 Mentoring for Practitioners, Creatives, Business Founders and Corporate Escape Artists who are ready to recognise hyper-sensitivity as a source of superpowers and offer ALL your brilliance to the world.

You’re ready to claim your calling in the world… but something is holding you back. You’re not sure if you have the energy, inspiration and confidence to actually make a difference.

As this planet moves through the great awakening, it’s time to become a beacon and support the people who need you most.

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Does any of this sound familiar?

  • You’re easily overwhelmed by other people’s energy and despite doing ALL the inner work for decades, a couple of old trauma patterns are still easily “activated” and then you feel exhausted again. 

  • You sometimes feel like a fraud when working with clients, because you don’t have a handle on your own sensitivity.

  • It’s hard to find time and space for your own work, especially when you’re caring for others (because it’s so easy to give too much and lose yourself).

  • You don’t have steady income and it feels like you have no real financial support system in the physical dimension.

  • You’re feeling the call to go public, step out into the light and become a beacon for others trying to come out of the “closet” … but you can’t walk forward until you step through the doubt and anxiety to reveal the amazingness inside you.

Meet Belinda

The way I work is a bit different to conventional coaching and counselling practices.

First and foremost, it’s about helping you to practise radical self-awareness. We’ll create coherence - physically, emotionally, mentally and energetically - in your business and in yourself.

Hi lovely human! I’m Belinda Noakes.

The secret? It begins (and ends) with JOY.

Joy is a healing frequency. It has the power to completely transform your life, using incredibly simple practices that start with noticing where joy lives for you… and where it’s gone missing.

So what does this mean for your mission in this world?

Your soul’s mission here is not simply to heal your own trauma and your ancestral lineage… while that’s part of the job, it’s not the WHOLE point of being here.

Your soul’s purpose here is to live with joy.

But a lot of highly sensitive humans get used to living without joy. We’re good at masking extreme anxiety and don’t even know what it feels like to stop pretending everything is OK. 

When it’s painful just to exist in the world, joy can feel like an impossible dream.

It’s so easy to give up, disconnect from what’s actually happening in your body and settle for living with a level of pain that feels bearable. Becoming viscerally aware of what joy feels like in every aspect of your body - and recognising when something isn’t joyful - is a powerful tool for redesigning your business and any other aspects of your life that aren’t aligned with joy.

And here’s another secret - all that energy you’d like to reclaim?

Joy points you towards the source of true vitality and renewed love for life.

Does this sound like the missing piece of the puzzle for your life and your work?

Private mentoring with me could be exactly what you need at this point in your life.

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Kind Words

My Approach

It's taken me decades to understand and embrace extreme sensitivity - and I’m still learning all the time.

For so long, I couldn't figure out why my life still felt crappy even after doing SO MUCH INNER WORK! And I was convinced there must be something seriously wrong with me.

But exploring the power of noticing what's happening in my body opened up real change, and learning about the markers of high masking autism helped a lot too.

Before that, I didn’t realise how much discomfort I’d been suppressing and how hard I’d been working at pretending to be “normal”.

The decision to stop seeing myself as broken and start focusing on joy instead was the biggest pivot. Everything changed with that one choice.

Now I support other highly sensitive humans all over the world to to recognise neurodivergence as a superpower, reclaim your life force and design a more joyful life.


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  • Mentoring is designed to help highly sensitive and neurodivergent Practitioners, Creatives, Professionals and Founders who want to redesign one or more aspects of their life and/or work to focus on joy. It’s the best choice if you’re in a stable financial position and you’re able to invest in 1:1 session work.

    You’re probably not at the start of your healing journey. You’ve done a lot of inner work already but might have some stubborn patterns that won’t shift OR you’re willing to find out how much better life can get!

  • After you submit the form, you can schedule a 20 minute connection call in my calendar.

  • The community is the best choice for highly sensitive humans who crave support from friends and practitioners who really understand living with extreme sensitivity - especially if you are (or suspect you might be) neurodivergent - but who don’t yet have enough steady income to invest in private mentoring.

    The community is not the best choice for anyone looking for someone else to fix them or save them.

    You may have done decades of inner work, but there’s something that just won’t shift - or you might be fairly new to the world of personal development.

    Either way, you’re willing to try a different approach that involves showing up in a community and taking responsibility for your own process, with support from me and other humans like you.